all postcodes in CV8 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV8 2AA 29 1 52.332738 -1.566656
CV8 2AB 16 1 52.337246 -1.567522
CV8 2AD 13 0 52.336612 -1.568864
CV8 2AE 33 0 52.335826 -1.567653
CV8 2AF 41 1 52.335916 -1.565245
CV8 2AG 22 0 52.337063 -1.564324
CV8 2AH 45 0 52.339553 -1.557064
CV8 2AJ 32 1 52.338163 -1.560292
CV8 2AL 7 2 52.341327 -1.555446
CV8 2AN 7 0 52.339465 -1.559941
CV8 2AP 9 0 52.337863 -1.564965
CV8 2AQ 30 2 52.338722 -1.565731
CV8 2AR 26 0 52.338805 -1.566186
CV8 2AS 24 0 52.338893 -1.563352
CV8 2AT 24 0 52.338832 -1.563808
CV8 2AU 24 0 52.340144 -1.561285
CV8 2AW 15 0 52.341301 -1.560481
CV8 2AX 4 0 52.341251 -1.561568
CV8 2AY 14 0 52.340585 -1.561222
CV8 2AZ 4 0 52.340866 -1.561894